A woman appears, standing behind a kitchen island, with red cookware stacked in front of her, in th emiddle of coooking, she leans forward to take a lid off a pot

Are you a health-focused person who is ready to resolve your chronic health issues once and for all?

Photo of CA Nutrition Co founder, Josh Dodds. A grey background. He's in a navy shirt, smiling directly at the camera.

Hi, I’m Josh Dodds

I started this company because I couldn’t find the help I needed after seeing 20+ doctors. Now I help people who are going through the same struggles I did.

No Answers

I flew all over the country visiting top medical facilities and research institutions, but nobody had good answers for my wheezing lungs, increasing allergic reactions, and fatigue that kept me trapped in my house.

Hitting Rock Bottom

My skin continued breaking out in rashes, and my list of food sensitivities kept growing. Then I lost 35 lbs. and took a trip to the ER in an ambulance in the middle of the night.

I hit rock bottom and had no other option but to search for my own answers.


It began with many hours of research with my laptop on my chest as I spent months in bed.

As I improved, I started attending trainings and conferences. I would seek out the best speaker from each conference and ask them how I could learn what they had just taught the room full of doctors.

They pointed me to more trainings, more conferences, and some of them mentored me.

Rebuilding My Health

It took more than 3 years from that night in the ER to return to a somewhat normal life.

I stopped falling asleep after each meal, wasn’t so sensitive to light, and could finally think clearly enough to work a few productive hours each day.

Complex Cases

Part of the reason it took so long is because I went through a lot of trial and error. My case was too “complex” and didn’t fit with treatments that worked well for other patients.

What do you do for someone who tests positive for parasites, mold, lyme, mycoplasma, EBV, uranium, mercury, aluminum, clostridia, H. pylori, and numerous chemicals?

You can’t spend 12 months on parasite cleanses or continuous mold protocols. You’ll never get to the end.

Many of the great doctors I trained with had a piece of the puzzle, but not the whole thing.

Constraints Lead to Better Solutions

This put me in a unique position to take the very best from each doctor and create a system.

The system could only spend 1-2 months per underlying issue. It didn’t matter if that was a toxin, pathogen, trauma, etc. It had to create momentum and keep moving forward so the end could be reached. 

More is Not Better

It also had to be simple. The best practitioners are precise. They are precise in narrowing down your specific issue. They are precise in their protocols (no 10+ bottles of supplements).

Half of sick people’s problems come from overwhelm. 

A Customized System

The beauty of this system is that it is customizable for my clients. 

The complexity comes from piecing together the underlying issues. That is done at the beginning of our work together.

Once we know your specific issues and priorities, you’ll have simple steps to take each month. By handling the biggest priorities first, many times the lesser priorities fall away on their own as the body and immune system become stronger.

Healthy Enough to Travel the World
My goal throughout my entire journey was to get healthy enough that I could travel the world.

I knew that if I could do that, I could do anything. I could live my life based on my passions and dreams, not by the limitations of my health.

What Do You Want?

What’s your goal for your health or your child’s health? Why is this so important to you?

I’d love to hear. Click the box below to book a complimentary consultation and let’s find out if I can help.

Who Is This For?